Sabtu, 30 Oktober 2010

Mount Merapi eruption chronology

29 October 2010
- 19:23, 20:20, 21:40 WIB cloud of gas and ashes in small-average size moving to Kali Lamat, Kali Senowo, Kali Krasak direction.
30 October 2010
- 00:16 WIB  cloud of gas and ashes in bigger size in 7 minutes moving to K. Lamat, K. Senowo, K. Krasak direction.

- 00:35 WIB cloud of gas and ashes in bigger size in 22 minutes moving to K. Gendol, K. Kuning, K. Krasak, K. Boyong direction.

- 00:50 WIB explosion in the top of the mountain. Fire ball and vertical eruption up to radius 2 km, it's seen at Pos Selo, Jrakah, Ngepos, and Kaliurang. Height of smokes reaches 3,5 km. The eruption tremors can be felt by residents that located at radius 12 km (Srumbung village in southwest side of Mount Merapi).

- Rain of sand reaches until radius 10 km (Hargobinangun village), while the rain of ashes is reported happens in Krasak village, Bantul Region.

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